Ports and Borders - Airports
External process for managing consignments subject to Trading Standards holds where goods are refused release to the free market.
Airports, Processes and procedures
Home Authority unsafe product not released template for Hillingdon Trading Standards.
Airports, Templates
Importer non-compliant sample notification, tested template.
Airports, Templates
Importer non-compliant notification, released template.
Airports, Templates
Importer released sample notification, may test template.
Airports, Templates
Notification to the Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) for London Heathrow (LHR).
Airports, Templates
Importer non-compliant notification not released template.
Airports, Templates
Primary Authority Amazon notification form template.
Airports, Templates
Home Authority unsafe tested product template for Hillingdon Trading Standards.
Airports, Templates
Home Authority compliant tested product template for Hillingdon Trading Standards.
Airports, Templates
Home Authority information request template for Hillingdon Trading Standards.
Airports, Templates
Home Authority released sample template for Hillingdon Trading Standards.
Airports, Templates
Home Authority feedback template for Hillingdon Trading Standards.
Airports, Templates
Home Authority detained sample template for Hillingdon Trading Standards.
Airports, Templates
Home Authority compliant product template for Hillingdon Trading Standards.
Airports, Templates
Detained notice template from Hillingdon Trading Standards for London Heathrow (LHR)
Airports, Templates
Importer detained sample notifcation, visual and test.
Airports, Templates
External temporary storage facility (ETSF) codes for LHR.
Airports, Processes and procedures